Heatwave Bouquet

As part of  our ongoing research in Slovenian mountains, we invite you to a unique  experience where you can reconnect with nature (or whatever’s left of  it) in the breathtaking scenery of the Nadiza valley. 

In this immersive and highly practical workshop, we will take you to a walk  through this beautiful part of Slovenia, brimming with biodiversity .. only three weeks ago. 

You will be able to get a hands-on experience working with the outcome of two weeks of extreme weather.  On our 60-minute long walk, you will create your own personalised bouquet picking local flowers and plants, making a unique product out of the  living dead, which you can take back home. The main advantage here is that you don’t even have to dry the plants yourself as they are  completely dried at the time of picking. 

Still, for an extra €20 you can opt for a premium package that includes plant identification so that you can learn what medicinal or whatever other use they could have had if climate hadn’t changed and destroyed it all for us. 

We  will finish our walk in the once-turquoise blue lagoon of Robič where  you can admire the stones carved out by the river Nadiža when it was  still flowing here. And before you leave, you can drive past a recent  wildfire created not by humans, but by a violent storm - that’s been  raging for 5 days now.

We designed and co-curated this immersive experience with the following partners: heatwave, drought, lightning,  wildfires, and finally climate change which is the general partner of this once-in-a-lifetime project of us.

Sadly, fish, frogs, small insect and butterflies couldn’t make it - they’re all dead. But at least  there’s still some water left to dip in! 

The Future of One Health: When Plants, People and Insects Collaborate


Towards Future Ecologies